On 5am Low-intensity cardio & meditation

30 Aug

Midmorning in my sunny office 🙂 What a lovely space to be in. We have recently relocated to another part of the building altogether. Although quite out of the public eye (and a long walk to freedom from the nearest loo hehe) it has turned out to be quite a pleasant move. Anyhoo, did not have (or rather, did not make) much time over the last couple of days to blog. Oh, I anticipated this change from initial “over the moon” excitement to merely something I have to maintain. Alas, still as excited as ever, but time has run away with me and my ideas.

So, where was I? Ah yes, on 5am cardio. On a treadmill. In the gym.

Whenever I get asked about my exercise regime, and I finally admit that I am in the gym 9 out of 10 mornings at 5am, the general reaction is something along the line of “Why punish yourself like that?”. After all, this means getting up at least at 04h30 (which massively impedes on good old sleeping time) and better still, in the middle of winter it is freezing cold down in the Cape. To which I then answer “It’s my time”. Simply put, the excuse of “I never have time” and “I have other responsibilities” and “But it’s cold” never convinces me. When all the time you have to exercise is 5am in the morning, then make good use of that time.

There I was this morning, 5 am, happily toddling away at 6.3km per hour, at an incline of 7 degrees. An average HR of about 127. Low intensity cardio they call it. Wide screen tv’s everywhere, CNN showing the latest on the US Presidential candidates. Darkness outside, some random drips and drabs of traffic on the highway in the distance. And I,toddling away for 1 hour. For 540 Cal.

At this point one would ask “What on earth does she do with the time” – yes, a WHOLE hour. Simple, I think. People often complain about the lack of quality me-time, quality time to recharge and plan and think upon your own existance

On Early diet Weight-loss, water and glycogen depletion

27 Aug

Oh happy day! I have finally come to understand (more deeply) the relationship between carbohydrates, water, glycogen, liver functions etc etc. And with a simply Google search on “how long before glycogen depletion”. So, you are going “Glyco-WHAT?!” What is she on about?

If you’d like to read first what this gentleman says, go right ahead : http://www.justinowings.com/understanding-bodyweight-and-glycogen-de/ – well worth the read. Otherwise, this is what I have discovered.

I have been researching carbohydrates and the quality thereof, the types and its molicular structure (how it functions and its function as an energy source)  for quite some time (remember, I am an Arts major and NOT a science one, so indeed, it’s been well over a year) and finally I have made this wonderful discovery. The ingestion of carbohydrates (in gross amounts), water retention, fat storage are all linked together, for a number of simple reasons.

Nutrition (as in food) is divided into three groups : protein, carbohydrates and fat. Of course that is then divided into different types and forms and goods and evils (which I won’t get into now). We will solely have this post about carbohydrates and what happens to them in the body, the roll of the liver and where all the weight comes from!

So, we ingest carbohydrates, I am talking pastas and breads, cookies and rice and cakes and wonderfully starchy vegetables and baked goods. The carbohydrates are turned into glycogen, which is the main source of energy for both the brain and the muscular systems. Glycogen are stored in the muscles and liver (an excess) and used for energy when needed. Excesses of glycogen is stored as fat eventually. Now, for every gram of glycogen in our muscles, an amount of water is needed to store it. When we diet, we deplete our muscles of glycogen, thus getting rid of water in the process too…simply put. When we give in to cravings for sweets etc (simple carbs), back comes the water that held the glycogen in the first place…when we overindulge, even more is added on.

So, if anyone at the beginning of a diet program claims to have lost up to 5 pounds, no actual fat loss (the ultimate goal right?) has in fact occured. Only significant water loss.

Not to dishearten anyone, but isn’t this just super interesting? 🙂

It’s all about self-love…

25 Aug

This is just it…this is the missing link in most arguments on why people should make healthy choices…a severe lack of self love. Once that link has clicked, once that train has arrived in the station, life in it’s entirety will change.

Let me share this with you : I love frequenting this little group on FB, called “What do we diet tonight” – in Afrikaans “Wat “Dieet” ons vanaand?”. Well, I found it utterly dissapointing, but fascinating at the same time. I do not claim to be an expert, but what I share I have tested, and have at least seen and read enough testimonial evidence so that you would imagine it to be believable. Well no, not to this group.

The majority of the members of this group are severely overweight individuals, seemingly loving the fact that they are so trapped in their singular thought on weight-loss – that they HAVE to diet in order to lose weight. No matter how often someone advises to see a dietician or a lifestyle coach, no-one ever takes the first step. They embrace quick-fix diets and then exclaim that it has been endorsed by the “Heart Society” in 1986. Lovely.

So the conclusion I have come to is to do my utmost to find an individual who really wants to do something about the state of their life, and ultimately, choose to love themselves, better at least.

Why is it that discomfort, challenge, why is it that the  truth scares us so much? Why is it that large decisions like these (apparently self-love is quite difficult) leaves people so, disarmed, so cowardly? I find it truly dissapointing, this fact of life.

Strive to love thyself, always, in everything. In how you cloth and feed yourself, in the decisions that you make  everyday. Some may argue that one becomes overly selfish in such a state…nonsense. The better you love yourself, the better you can contribute toward the well-being of others.

Sit yourself down and take a long hard look at your life. Not suddenly after a life-changing incident has occured, as so often happens…but just in general, everyday. Love yourself, at least try, you are so worth it 🙂

First recipe – Protein “pancakes”

25 Aug

Having trouble loading images…so apologies for the boring layout of this post 😛

I absolutely adore finding new ways to cook, and with a food-eating-fuel regime that is quite limited one needs to become creative and find new ways to make things interesting and more palatable.

The other night I was having my usual, eggs (whole eggs), cheddar cheese and some whey protein powder (those of knowledge will recognise this combination and where it fits with the macro’s ;-)), when I decided to chuck the whole lot together (fatigue ensued just before 9pm). And what a wonderful surprise – it worked!

Ingredients :

2 whole eggs

2 egg whites (depending on protein needs)

10g chocolate whey protein powder

20g cheddar cheese (do not add untill later).

Method :

Crack the eggs and seperate the whites, all into the same bowl. Add the protein powder and some salt and pepper should you wish. Whisk it all together really well – you will see that the liquid from the eggwhites and the whole eggs will mix really well and absorb the protein, forming a thickish consistency. (If you have a blender, yay for you, then just chuck it in there).

Spray a pan with some oil and pour the mixture in like a pancake. It sets really quickly like a flapjack/pancake (sometimes a little rubbery, depending on the quality of the whey protein you use). You may even add some equal/stevia to the mixture before cooking, just for those pseudo-sweettooths – hehe.

Once cooked on both side (you have to flip it once), slice into quarters and divide the 20g of cheddar between the slices (if you are not as health concious, you may even use sugar containing mousses or whatever, this makes a delicious base for any dessert, even fruit, chocolate, whipped cream, whatever your heart (and stomach) feels like.

And voila! Protein pancakes! Have fun 🙂




Much grattitude…

25 Aug

So, here we are again…another weekend to be grateful for. Not all of us have the priviledge to be free from regular lugging at work for a whole 2 days 🙂 Good morning to you all, what a glorious day in the little beach town of Strand, South Africa this morning. Wind is blowing (as always) but the sun is just about to come to behind the clouds and warm the earth a little. Much needed in the heart of winter down here in the Western Cape.

After a whole day of starting my blog, I have gained 4 followers, gobsmacking if you ask me ;-). I never imagined that there are actually people that would like to read what I say. So again, much grattude. For health, for free time, for family…and also, for finally conjuring up the courage to start this blog.

Perhaps, instead of spending the day sleeping it away (because you apparently need twice the amount of rest you get during a regular work), try to spend it contemplating the things you have in your life you may be grateful for. And write about them…perhaps. I know it adds much happiness to my day! 🙂




A Foodie @ heart

24 Aug

I LOVE food, I truly do – I love the incredible freedom of working with it (never did anything in Home Economics at school or any cooking courses, I rarely if ever use a cookbook either), new discoveries about foodstuff and all and all, the opportunities we have every day to choose what we stuff our faces with ;-P

My inner-most joyful moments are providing a bit of happiness for others by having them try some amazing bites, and mostly uber-healthy at that.

So, what is my most recent discovery – protein powder, a super-food and supplement one can use in many many ways, complete liquid soluble (so the possibilities are endless).

Looking forward to posting some amazing self-invented recipes (mostly by chance) and I hope you’ll feel the freedom to want to try them 🙂

The truth about finding the truth…why believe what I write?

24 Aug

Dear friends and followers,

So, by now you’ve probably asked yourself…”Who is this arrogant person that starts a partly pseudo scientific blog…why should I trust what she propagates?” Well, for some simple, not so hard to believe reasons.

1) I strive to provide people with correct info. If I cannot verify it, at least bases on about 6 sources, of which 3 need to correspond exactly, I will not vouch for it.

2) I work for a remarkable tertiary institution where information is available everywhere, so the research that I have done does not only come from the web, largely also from recognised scientific journals and articles, thus, researched and proven.

3) It has pretty much been my life goal since birth to find the truth…I am also fascinated by the psychology of lying incidently. I question almost every bit of information I come across, admittedly perhaps obsessively so, but alas, what is wrong with that? 😉

4) I test what I find. I am my own research subject. There is only one way to know whether something really works – just to simply do it!

An ex-karate sensei of mine used to say; “Every story has three versions, yours, mine and what really happened” This is exactly it – with science there is little to no speculation. Thus, truth and trust. And learning. And that is what life is all about!

Love thyself through choosing Quality Coffee

24 Aug

Yes, I am Tania and I am an addict. A Coffee addict :-P. Absolutely, 100%!

Apart from the fact that coffee contains copious amounts of caffeiene, a central nervous system stimulant, both an upper and a downer, what nutritional value does this beautifully aromatic hot drink offer us?

To be honest, not so much. Apart from the fact that you are better off buying the most expensive filter/plunger coffee you can find (the higher the price, the higher the quality), it actually contains almost no calories at all. Really? Isn’t that wonderful news! Ye think?

Not all of us can however afford a good can of Illy or Starbucks plunger at almost R100 a pop. Some of us cannot stomach instant coffee, although some brand are definitely nutritionally better than others. Still, the more pure, the better.

I.m.o – stay away from any cheap brand, especially instant coffee granules. Be aware of the nutritional info on the pack (if available) – check for familiar “fillers” like chickory, maltose, dextrose, or other hidden substances that could potentially ruin your oh-so-disciplined diet. The drinker of cheap instant coffee could potentially be consuming many many unecessary carbohydrates, along with the odd shot of white sugar and full milk.

Choose for quality above quantity in your life. How about 1 excellent cup of coffee, instead of 5 or 6 tasteless sugared-up cups? Love thyself (is the correlation THAT difficult to see) and choose for quality nutrition, also in your coffee 🙂

Much Happiness for the Weekend :-)

24 Aug

Still discovering how this blog works – it will take quite a while I imagine ;-). Something which is for certain though is the fact that a good read takes time to compile.

So there is much joy as I will try and plan for blogtime in the coming weekend. Between juggling a job, family, an exercise and nutritional regime (which is quite demanding at the moment I might add) this will prove to be a GREAT challenge.

But, alas, BRING it ON!

Welcome to mynutritionaljourney

23 Aug

Starting with this blogging idea took alot of thought and then some…so finally, here it is. It originated out of pure need for a new challenge, a welcome addition to my already busy and most interesting existance. One has to have purpose in life, goals, passions, something to add to the existance of others.

Well, perhaps this blog means something to you in your personal journey, whatever that my be. It is my sincere hope that it may be so :-).

You’ll find loads of interesting discoveries on nutrition, bodily function, general info, recipes, info on Diabetes, food allergies and many other aspects of nutrition I have become interested in and have been researching for just over a year now.

Most of all, I hope you’ll find it an interesting read!